Wednesday 3 August 2011

In Hyderabad Mall- Varalakshmi Vratham Gifts,Online Shopping,Flowers,Saris,Gifts

VaralakshmiVratam is an important pooja performed by many women in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Tamil-Nadu. This is the Hindu festival going by the name 'Vara Lakshmi Vrata' is celebrated on the last Friday of the bright fort-night in the month of Śravaā Masam, also called Śawan(in Hindi), which corresponds to the English months of July–August.

          On this auspicious day all women take bath early in the morning, they wear traditional new Sarees and decorate the houses with the flowers and mango leaves. Send flowers to Varalakhmi Varata for your near and dear in Hyderabad and others places of Andhra, In Hyderabad Mall under takes all kinds of Online Sales, send sarees to  women for this Festival. Send sweets to Hyderabad for this Pooja to make occasion great, In Hyderabad Mall are the first in the delivery.

          On one occasion, Goddess Parvati and Lord Parameswara were engaged in a game of chess. Parvati was winning game after game, but Parameswara is said to have claimed the victory at each games, want only to her intense chagrin. So Parvati wanted to have an umpire and one Chitranemi, a creation of Parameswara, was chosen. As an underling of Parameswara, he sided with him most unjustly; this provoked Goddess Parvati's anger and she cursed Chitranemi that he should become a leper for discharging his duty in most unfair manner. When Chitranemi begged Goddess Parvati's forgiveness and Lord Parameswara added his entreaties to it, she said to have relented and modified the curse by adding that he would be cured of his leprosy by observing the Vara Lakshmi Vrata. By doing this Chitranemi was, it is said, rid of the loathsome disease.

            VaraLakshmi Vrata is rather interesting, Goddess Lakshmi is said to have visited a pious woman by name Sarmadi, and living in the city of Kuntinapura in Magadha (Bihar), in one of her dreams and expressed her satisfaction at her devotion to her children. When she woke UP from her sleep, she took a bath and worshipped Goddess Lakshmi to ensure her blessings. When the other ladies heard of her dream they too began to worship Goddess Lakshmi & it’s spread everywhere in the society. Eight forces or energies are recognised and they are known as Siri (Wealth), Bhu (Earth), Sarasvati (Learning), Priti (Love), Kirti (Fame), Santi (Peace), Tushti (Pleasure) and Pushti (Strength). Each one of these forces is called a Lakshmi and all the eight forces are called the Ashta Lakshmis or the eight Lakshmis of the Hindus. Only a woman can sympathise with women, Lakshmi is a woman. So she will more readily sympathise with women.

          In Hyderabad Mall are offering a unique services of its kind, send Varalakshmi Vratham Gifts to Hyderabad for your family, friends & relatives in India from, we are the fastest in the delivery with better prices. Our vision is to see happiness in your beloved ones when they receive Gifts from you, the gifts delivered by In Hyderabad Mall will be delivered by you. Send Gifts to Vara-Lakshmi Vratham for your near and dear to make them happy for Vara-Lakshmi Vratham. Online Shopping, Varalakshmi Vratham Gifts, Online Flowers, Sarees, Gifts, Gold Coin, Silver Pooja Items. If you would like to have an immediate answer to your questions, please call us in INDIA: +91-40-42024242, +91-9533664252 and in U.S.A:+1-630-345-3173.

                  Hence this festival is observed largely by women, invoking the blessings of Lakshmi to seek prosperity and happiness for the family. All the women prayed for being blessed with children, good health, wealth and knowledge for the entire family. In HyderabadMall suggest to families & husbands to encourage & help women to perform this important pooja so that Goddess Lakshmi bless all the families with health, wealth & prosperity to entire family.